US Man Gets A Heart Transplant From A Genetically-Modified Pig



The recent success of medical professionals at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Faculty may soon help the world solve the issue of organ donations. Earlier this week, a group of US surgeons created history in the world of medicine by transplanting a genetically-modified pig heart in a patient. Yes, you heard it right, a porcine heart in a human body.

A group of doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center had requested the US medical regulator for permission to carry out the procedure on David Bennett, 57, who had terminal heart disease and was deemed ineligible for human transplant. “It was either die or do this transplant. I want to live. I know it’s a shot in the dark, but it’s my last choice,” Bennett had said before his surgery.

While Bennett is reported to be doing well post the seven-hour long surgery, Dr. Bartley Griffith, who was a part of the medical team that carried out the historic procedure was all praise for the Baltimore resident. “He simply didn’t want to die. He felt that if he had an opportunity and was pretty much convinced by multiple doctors that he had a fatal disease and he was unlikely to leave the hospital because of it. With that as a background, as an alternative, he told me two very important things: I don’t want to die and if I do, maybe you’ll learn something to help others,” he said about Bennett post the surgery.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, a recently published report states that an Assam doctor Dr Dhaniram Baruah had carried out the same procedure 25 years ago but without proper approval. While the operation seemed successful, the patient passed away a few days later due to infection. While Baruah refusal to share his findings with the medical authorities didn’t gain him any recognition, the tragic outcome of the procedure ended up Baruah being arrested for violating various laws.

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Cover Image: University of Maryland School of Medicine Twitter


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