West Ada School District Approves Seven-Year Adoption of i-Ready® Classroom Mathematics as Its Core Math Curriculum



NORTH BILLERICA, Mass. (July 13, 2022) — West Ada School District in Meridian, Idaho has adopted Curriculum Associates’ i-Ready Classroom Mathematics as the primary math curriculum support material for Grades K–5 for the next seven years. Starting in the 2022–2023 school year, more than 800 teachers will use the discourse-driven, standards-aligned i-Ready Classroom Mathematics curriculum to help approximately 17,500 students throughout the state’s largest district become independent mathematical thinkers.

“Using academic data, West Ada has identified math as a primary focus for improvement in our continuous improvement plan,” said Dustin Barrett, the district’s director of curriculum and instruction. “Through our partnership with Curriculum Associates, we are optimistic that the robust nature of the
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics materials, applied in a guaranteed and viable manner for [Grades] K–5, will provide West Ada the ability to improve student math proficiency. The i-Ready Classroom Mathematics materials will allow West Ada to teach, assess, and intervene utilizing easily accessible and actionable real-time data to best support student learning.”

i-Ready Classroom Mathematics will be used alongside the online i-Ready Personalized Instruction and i-Ready Assessment programs, which have already been implemented by the district, to provide teachers with a comprehensive and aligned solution for supporting math achievement. i-Ready Classroom Mathematics was reviewed and chosen by a district adoption committee composed of educators, parents, and community members as part of the selection process.

“As a leader in the state, West Ada School District and its stakeholders were dedicated to selecting a math curriculum resource that would give students a voice in their learning and support math teaching, both now and in the years to come,” said Rob Waldron, CEO of Curriculum Associates. “We commend the district for their dedication to this process and look forward to helping teachers engage all students as they connect with important math concepts in new ways through the use of i-Ready Classroom Mathematics.”

i-Ready Classroom Mathematics helps teachers deliver discourse-based instruction while empowering students to think mathematically and discuss mathematical ideas. Its print and online grade-differentiated resources work cohesively to support the teaching and learning process. The program uses multiple-day lessons and instructional routines to help students understand important mathematical concepts, make connections between multiple mathematical strategies, and deepen their conceptual understanding by leading the majority of the classroom discussion. There are also frequent opportunities for practice and assessment to ensure students understand concepts and to help teachers make instructional decisions. 

The program includes a variety of professional learning resources that are built into the beginning of every unit and embedded within every lesson. It also offers professional guidance for supporting English Learners, including language differentiation strategies that provide scaffolds for the five WIDA (World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment) language proficiency levels and ideas for community and cultural responsiveness that can be incorporated during each lesson.

When used with the i-Ready Diagnostic and its Prerequisite reports, i-Ready Classroom Mathematics also helps educators identify student gaps and effectively balance instruction of prerequisite skills and current grade-level content.

To learn more about i-Ready Classroom Mathematics, visit i-ReadyClassroomMathematics.com/LearnMore

About Curriculum Associates

Founded in 1969, Curriculum Associates, LLC designs research-based print and online instructional materials, screens and assessments, and data management tools. The company’s products and outstanding customer service provide teachers and administrators with the resources necessary for teaching diverse student populations and fostering learning for all students.

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