Speculations of actor Fawad Khan joining the MCU have been around for a while. And now, the actor has finally confirmed his role in Ms. Marvel, the next big Marvel show arriving on Disney Plus after Hawkeye. The show follows a young Pakistani-American girl who is a bonafide Captain Marvel fan who soon discovers powers of her own. The character will be played by Pakistani actress Iman Vellani.
In a recent interview with Film Companion, Fawad Khan confirmed that he is a part of the project. “Yeah, I am. I can’t deny that, or lie about it sine they [Marvel] have shared the news themselves,” he said. While he didn’t reveal any details about his role, he spilt some details about his hype-worthy MCU debut. He revealed, “It’s a wonderful experience, it was good fun. The cast that I worked with, the people that I worked with, it was good fun, but I am sorry, I cannot say anything more than that at this point in time.”
Pakistani actor Fawad Khan confirms his casting in #MsMarvel in a new interview with Film Companion!
🎥: https://t.co/UP55KEXbl9 pic.twitter.com/LNop3Eq9qR
— Ms. Marvel UK⚡️ (@MsMarvelUK) December 16, 2021
Meanwhile, Fawad Khan is all set to reunite with his Zindagi Gulzar Hai co-star for an all-new show. Here’s what we know about that:
Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel is the studio’s first Muslim superhero – another huge step towards representation. Not much is known about the plot of the series but fans better keep up as the character is set to appear in The Marvels alongside Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) who was last seen in a cameo in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and Monica Rambeau (Tenoyah Paris) who was introduced in WandaVision. The Phase 4 show will release somewhere in 2022. So far we have seen some behind the scenes images and teasers that offer a pretty good look at the character and her comic-accurate costume.
Cover artwork: Bhavya Poonia/Mashable India
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