Israel Detects ‘Florona’, Combined Infection Of COVID-19 And Influenza; Netizens Are Already Sick Of 2022



After everything the world went through in 2021, a new kind of infection has been discovered right at the fag end of the year. A day before New Year’s Eve celebrations, Israel detected the first case of yet another deadly infection which is being called ‘Florona’. This is believed to be a combined infection of COVID-19 and influenza. The news of a double infection comes amidst a global Omicron scare, the latest variant of concern that was detected in the past year.

The update was shared by Arab News, a newspaper based in Riyadh. “Israel records first case of #florona disease, a double infection of #COVID19 and influenza,” the portal’s Tweet read.

The first Florona infection was reportedly found in a pregnant woman who was admitted and due to give birth at the Rabin Medical Center. A report in Israeli news portal Yedioth Ahronoth also mentions that the woman had not received COVID-19 vaccination. Dr Nahla Abdel Wahab of Cairo University Hospital told Israeli media that the double infection is an indication of a major immune system collapse in a person as per reports on Hindustan Times.

It is important to note that Florona is not a new variant like Delta and Omicron. This was likely an outcome of a recently reported increase in influenza cases amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel. That being said, the idea of double infection was enough to freak netizens out.

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Miss Rona is yet again showing range just in time for the new year and we’re already sick of 2022! And it’s time to recycle the “new year, new me,” Tweets:

Currently, the Omicron variant has spread to several countries with reports of a massive surge in the UK and the US. The highly transmissible variant has surpassed the previous Delta variant in infection rates. India has logged approximately 1,500 cases as per NDTV reports but the real figures might be as high as 18,00 and counting. It’s safe to say that the country is seeing a swift rise in cases.

SEE ALSO: ‘Jersey’ Release Postponed Amid Rising Omicron Scare; Confirms Shahid Kapoor

Cover image: Twitter


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