Diversity is not a seasonality



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In recent years the concept of diversity has been present in the business decision-making of companies at a global level, specifying advances that allow promoting inclusion within organizations, but also giving efficiency to teams and improving their productivity. However, even with this evolution in which every year more companies pronounce themselves as inclusive in the various events, such as International Women’s Day or LGBT Pride Month , there is still a long way to go; This is required by a study prepared by PageGroup, which mentions that only 3 out of 10 companies in Mexico carry out intentionally inclusive practices. This means that beyond using the representative flags of each community, it is necessary to promote the attraction of diverse talent, enable adequate spaces to promote their development, and make visible their opinions and needs in terms of labor rights, to mention just one factor. There are many examples of companies that establish their Diversity and Inclusion strategies and policies within their marketing teams, thus reflecting the real objective they pursue with them. These policies should not be a claim to sell more or to generate good perception with customers; They are much more than that.

A few days ago, a candidate from a Mexican company with more than 14,000 employees told me that, as a strategy to promote diversity and inclusion in the company, they celebrated a month around them; curiously that month was June. When I asked
for the other 11 months of the year he did not know what to answer me.

Companies that have already embarked on this path have created strategies that are reflected in tangible tactics, creating a positive impact on the lives of employees that is reflected in their productivity, and that is, according to the consulting firm McKinsey, those companies that decide taking the step and betting on diversity manage to be up to 25% more profitable than those that are not. A diverse environment fosters different perspectives, disruptive ideas, which manage to derive new ideas that in turn manage to revolutionize the way we understand how we operate, establish new synergies between teams and bring fresh and renewed air to each process.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that “those who come” feel more and more the commitment to defend their own identity and that of others. It is important to consider the role that company leaders have to fulfill to achieve real and true inclusion. In this sense, it is necessary to build diverse teams in each link of the company; promote equal opportunities among all the people who make up the different teams , encourage dialogue and recognize the competitive advantages that diversity, beyond economic profitability, offers us to strengthen the DNA of companies.

In Mexico, according to PageGroup, 48% of company leaders in Mexico consider that they are already committing to strengthening their inclusion policies, and although without a doubt we are all doing our best, our country needs diversity It is encouraged every month of the year, and not every time there is a party that implies an opportunity to improve the results of the sales teams.

Accelerating the transformation of industries requires rapprochement with institutions; with specialists; generate spaces for information and dialogue on diversity, but above all, create real policies, as a reflection of the commitment we have towards our
communities and the organizations we lead.

Diversity implies and multiplies.


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