Airxom launches first protective mask at CES 2022 in Las Vegas



French MedTech, Airxom, unveiled an active mask providing protection from the effects of air pollution, viruses and bacteria, at the recently held CES 2022 in Las Vegas. The process is possible by technological innovations incorporated into the mask, the result of 100 percent French-based R&D know-how. It is the first active protective respiratory mask.

The present most widely used solution to cover all these problems is the surgical mask. Generally adopted since the start of the pandemic to slow the spread of the virus, this mask has some obvious limitations: it is not reusable, not 100 percent effective, and acts only as an initial barrier, unable to eliminate bacteria, viruses or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

It is in this context, and to respond to these increasing challenges, Airxôm launched the first active protective respiratory mask, the only durable solution which filters micro and nanoparticles and provides complete protection from viruses (including SARS COV 2), bacteria and volatile organic compounds (NOX, nitrogen monoxide, toluene, benzene, etc.). It also provides the user with the best protection/breathability, and offers a strict returns and recycling programme, the company said in a press release.

French MedTech, Airxom, unveiled an active mask providing protection from the effects of air pollution, viruses and bacteria, at the recently held CES 2022 in Las Vegas. The process is possible by technological innovations incorporated into the mask, the result of 100 percent French-based R&D know-how. It is the first active protective respiratory mask.

The emission of UV rays on a catalyst destroys viruses, bacteria and volatile organic compounds. This patented catalytic process amplifies the action of the silver and copper particles contained in the different filtering supports. As a result, the destruction of pathogens or pollutants from the size of microparticles to nanoparticles is guaranteed.

The effectiveness of the Airxôm mask has been verified by an experimental protocol carried out by independent laboratories with recognised expertise in the field (VIRNEXT: virus; CONIDAIR: bacteria; French National Metrology and Testing Laboratory: volatile organic compounds). For instance, the virucidal tests carried out by the VIRNEXT in Lyon demonstrated its effectiveness for SARS-CoV-2, 99.94 percent destruction; H1N1, 99.99 percent destruction; and Adenovirus, 99.94 percent destruction.

“We are certain that the protective mask we have developed in the past two years provides a simple and effective answer to a whole set of very serious health problems. We will be able to offer the greatest number of people a truly protective solution. Respiratory protection is a topic close to our hearts, because of a family tragedy, and we set ourselves the task, day after day, to consider, design and promote the most effective mask in the whole world,” Vincent Gaston, chairman of Airxôm said in a statement.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (GK)


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