Wordle 260 March 6 Word Of The Day; Here Are All The Clues And Hints You Need



We are back with the Wordle 260 March 6 word of the day. After solving a tough puzzle yesterday, you will love to guess today’s word as it is one of the easiest ones. You will not have to apply some extra brains today; however, being focused is still the key. Today’s word doesn’t have many vowels in it, so guessing might be a little bit tricky. For the ones who don’t know what Wordle is, it is a five letter word which you need to guess because it is hidden inside a puzzle and you get only six chances to solve it.

Wordle is a puzzle which is owned by The New York Times, is a five letter word which is hidden and you will have to unpuzzle it by guessing the right word. It’s true that it is not so easy to guess a word. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered as here we have some hints and clues that will help you guess the right word.

SEE ALSO: Wordle 259 March 5 Word Of The Day; Hints And Clues To Solve One Of The Toughest Puzzle

Wordle 260 March 6 word of the day

To make it clear, we are not revealing the word right now but we will surely help you guess the right word in minimum attempts. Talking about today’s word, it has so much to do with our daily life but the problem is that there are so many of them which you use on a daily basis. Let’s not waste time and head to the next paragraph where we have the hints to solve today’s Wordle.


  1. Unlike yesterday, there is only one vowel in today’s word.
  2. You will find an alphabet ‘H’ at the end of the word.
  3. The vowel is somewhere in the middle of the word.
  4. Most importantly the meaning of the mid part of the word is ‘many’.
  5. Lastly, you can wear it.

We are sure that these hints will be enough for you to guess today’s word. However, if you are still facing difficulties guessing the word of the day then you need to scroll down.

Wordle 260 March 6 word of the day: Answer

Oops! The hints weren’t enough to help you solve the puzzle but there is nothing to worry about. Here we have the answer to today’s Wordle 260. As mentioned before, you can wear today’s word because it is a ‘CLOTH’. See, we had told you that it is a very easy word and it is used by us on a daily basis.

SEE ALSO: Wordle 258 Word Of The Day March 4: Here Are The Clues And Answer


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