The OnePlus 10 Pro has finally been unveiled in the Indian market during a launch event that was live streamed on the official YouTube channel and other social media accounts of the company on March 31. The handset comes equipped with a 6.67 inch Fluid AMOLED display and gets its power from Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset.
The premium and powerful OnePlus 10 Pro will go out on sale from April 5 at the official Indian website of the company, OnePlus Store App, OnePlus Experience Store, Amazon and other authorised retail stores across the country.
OnePlus 10 Pro in India: Price and availability
The flagship OnePlus 10 Pro smartphone is priced at Rs 66,999 for the 8 GB RAM/ 128 GB internal storage capacity variant while the variant with 12 GB RAM/ 256 GB internal storage capacity costs Rs 71,999. The handset will be available at the OnePlus Store App, OnePlus Experience Store, Amazon and other authorised retail stores in India.
Are you ready to swim with the Sharks? Get ready for the most awaited #OnePlus10Pro Launch Event. https://t.co/6HPDNJeBKy
— OnePlus India (@OnePlus_IN) March 31, 2022
OnePlus 10 Pro in India: Specifications
The OnePlus 10 Pro has been launched in India with a 6.67 inch AMOLED display that features 1440 x 3216 pixels screen resolution, aspect ratio of 20:9, 1300 nits peak brightness and a dynamic screen refresh rate of up to 120 Hz.
The newly-launched premium handset from the Chinese tech company draws its power from the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 gen 1 chipset which is an octa-core processor and it is packed with 128 GB/256 GB and 8 GB/12 GB RAM internal storage capacity.
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