Nigeria reaps the benefits of the United State’s inability to get its high-speed rail plans together



Proponents of the high-speed railway project, like Milwaukee Alder Robert Bauman, were resigned about where the two trainsets will ultimately end up. “It’s kind of an absurd ending to an absurd tale,” Bauman told Wisconsin Public Radio. In recounting the decade-long saga, Bauman wondered, “Who buys a set of train cars, refuses to complete the contract, ends up getting sued, settles, pays out another $50-some million in damages, and then you don’t even get the cars?” The trains sat unused in an Indiana Amtrak facility for years before returning to the Talgo plant. By the last quarter of 2025, Lagos expects the first phase of Red Line construction to begin. The trains will serve a capacity of half a million passengers daily.

Current Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, who narrowly beat Walker in the 2018 election, has been relatively quiet about the high-speed rail snafu and has yet to issue a statement about the Talgo trains ultimately being used in Nigeria. Meanwhile, a mountain of supportive editorials continue to pile up in support of a high-speed rail system that would not only serve a substantial portion of the Midwest but would also help the country reduce its carbon footprint. What do y’all think about high-speed rail or, at least, a more connected railway system in the U.S.? Is it nothing more than a pipe dream? Or a worthy mode of transportation worth pursuing?


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