Man charged in triple-murder of pharmacist brother for ‘poisoning people with COVID vaccines’



According to Baltimore’s local CBS affiliate, the bodies of Brian Robinette, 58, and Kelly Sue Robinette, 57, were discovered Thursday, Sept. 30, inside of their home in Ellicott City. The couple had lived in the home for “decades.,” They had two children, both of whom are now young adults and living elsewhere. According to WBALTV

Court papers show the Robinettes were shot multiple times by a .40-caliber handgun. The documents state that police said they found an empty box for a .40-caliber Smith and Wesson handgun in Jeffrey Burnham’s residence.

The Baltimore Sun reports that Burnham’s mother Evelyn, with whom Jeffrey lived, had contacted Cumberland police twice the previous week saying that she was worried about her son’s “mental stability” after he expressed paranoia about the FBI “being after” him and her. Jeffrey reportedly told his mother he wanted to confront his brother about “the government poisoning people with COVID vaccines.” 

The second time Evelyn Burnham contacted police was Sept. 30, believed to be the day Jeffrey murdered all three victims. Evelyn reportedly called police that day because she was “concerned about her son’s talk of ‘Becky’s car,’” referring to the vehicle owned by Rebecca Reynolds. According to reports, part of the manhunt included Burnham stealing his brother’s car, and then asking an unidentified man for gas, saying “he would see [Burnham] on TV.”

The rhetoric surrounding vaccinations has always been heated. But since one political party has taken on the entire movement as its base and has not done any work selling policy ideas in over 40 years, the reinforcement of what used to be fringe quackery has now been given a more legitimate patina for many. Add to that the Conservative Christian politics of eschatology and you are going to have more and more people seeing very real demons outside of themselves. 

A GoFundMe was set up for the surviving Robinette children, which says “Kelly’s infectious laugh and Brian’s dry sense of humor brightened our lives. They raised two amazing children in Howard county, and left their mark on our schools, teachers, fellow parents, and now a new generation of young adults.” As of this story’s publishing, the funding had exceeded its $100,000 goal.

On Tuesday, WJZ 13 reported that, during Burnham’s bail review, the judge ordered Burnham be held without bond. He has been charged with first-degree and second-degree murder.


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