How To Turn On Reddit’s Dark Mode



In a perfect world, none of us would be staying up past midnight to scroll mindlessly through strangers’ stories on Reddit. Yet the grind of capitalism ensures revenge bedtime procrastination remains a permanent fixture for many, cursing us with bleary eyes and sleep deprivation headaches in exchange for the smallest sense of control over our lives. Fortunately, Reddit’s dark mode can help alleviate at least some of the screen glare.

Here’s how to turn on dark mode on Reddit.

  1. Open Reddit.
  2. If you’re on desktop, click on the profile icon in the top right corner. If you’re on mobile, tap the profile icon in the top left corner. This will open a menu.
  3. Click or tap on the crescent moon to toggle dark mode on or off.

You can also choose what flavour of darkness you’d prefer if you’re on the mobile app. Simply select the profile icon, tap “Settings,” then look under “Dark Mode” for “Dark theme.” Tap it to choose between the slightly brighter “Night” and pitch black “Midnight (AMOLED).”


Reddit introduced its dark mode in 2018, finally adding the feature after many years of redditor requests. Initially called night mode, this theme replaces Reddit’s default white background with a less visually strenuous dark one. It’s no substitute for actually going to sleep, but at least it’s something.


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