Google Illegally Tracks Users Internet Usage; Sundar Pichai May Be Questioned



Users have filed a case on Alphabet’s Google for illegally tracking their internet usage while browsing on incognito mode.

This issue might question Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai around two hours, a California Federal Judge stated.

Back in 2020, users filed a lawsuit against Google for unlawfully tracking their internet use while on privacy mode.

Plaintiffs are arguing that Pichai has ‘unique, personal knowledge’ of issues related to privacy and browsing concerns.

“While we strongly dispute the claims, in this case, we have cooperated with plaintiffs’ countless requests … We will continue to vigorously defend ourselves,” said Google spokesman José Castañeda.

Besides, Pichai was warned in 2019 that describing the incognito mode as ‘private’ was not right.

According to filing in September, the issue stayed strong as he did not want it to be under the spotlight.

“A few documents establish that specific relevant information was communicated to, and possibly from, Pichai,” a US Magistrate said on Monday.

However, Google has earlier claimed that incognito only stops data from being saved to a user’s device. With this point, Google is still fighting the lawsuit.


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