Georgia Adds Classworks® Reading Screener to State-approved Universal Screener and Dyslexia Screener Lists



The Georgia Department of Education (GA DOE) recently added the Classworks Reading Universal Screener assessment to two state-approved lists. The Classworks screener is now approved by the state as a Universal Reading Screener and a Qualified Dyslexia Screening Tool for Grades K–3.

In April 2023, the Georgia Early Literacy Act (HB538) required the state to, among other requirements, establish a uniform standard for measuring literacy, approve high-quality literacy instructional materials for teaching students in K-3, and provide for the approval and use of universal reading screeners for K-3 students. The state provided a list of approved universal screeners and dyslexia screening tools to support school districts in choosing high-quality resources.

“Classworks Universal Screeners are already widely used by Georgia districts to effectively assess students’ proficiency and identify students who may need additional support,” notes Melissa Sinunu, Classworks President and Chief Operating Officer. “We are thrilled the GA DOE has added the valid and reliable resource as an approved assessment tool to help teachers identify students who may be at risk for dyslexia and as an essential part of school district’s comprehensive literacy programs.”

Classworks Universal Screeners and Progress Monitoring assessments are validated and highly rated by the National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII). The vertically scaled, nationally-normed assessments equip teachers with the data to know precisely where students are, quickly identify students who need added support including dyslexia testing, and make meaningful instructional decisions. Equally as important, Classworks immediately takes action on screener data by automatically delivering relevant academic interventions to each student based on the results.

‍About Classworks
Classworks leverages technology and evidence-based learning practices to transform how school districts support students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. Our CASE-endorsed, comprehensive Special Education and MTSS solution includes academic screeners, math and reading interventions, specially designed instruction, progress monitoring, and powerful data. Classworks screener and progress monitoring assessments are validated by the National Center of Intensive Intervention (NCII).

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