Cotton yarn prices steady as buying improves in north India



North India’s cotton yarn market has seen a slight improvement in sentiments today due to higher buying in anticipation of a price rise. However, cotton yarn prices in Ludhiana and Delhi remained steady. Buyers are interested in new deals as they expect an increase in prices by spinners, and mills are not keen to sell their stocks at lower prices. 

Ludhiana has witnessed limited but consistent demand, with cotton yarn prices hovering at previous levels. “Spinning mills preferred to hold their stock instead of selling at lower prices, as they were bullish on yarn trade because of strong demand from the export market,” a trader from Ludhiana market told Fibre2Fashion

North India’s cotton yarn market has seen a slight improvement in sentiments today due to higher buying in anticipation of a price rise. However, cotton yarn prices in Ludhiana and Delhi remained steady. Buyers are interested in new deals as they expect an increase in prices by spinners, and mills are not keen to sell their stocks at lower prices.

In Ludhiana, 30 count cotton combed yarn was sold at ₹283-293 per kg (inclusive of GST). Meanwhile, 20 and 25 count combed yarns were traded at ₹273-283 per kg and ₹278-288 per kg, respectively. Carded yarn of 30 count remained steady at ₹262-272 per kg, according to Fibre2Fashion’s market insight tool TexPro. 

In Delhi, cotton prices remained stable despite improved buying from the consumer industry and export market. A trader from the Delhi market told F2F, “Buyers are expecting an improvement in polyester-cotton and cotton yarn prices and are keen for new deals to utilise the current buying opportunity.” As per TexPro, 30 count combed yarn was traded at ₹285-290 per kg (GST extra), 40 count combed at ₹315-320 per kg, 30 count carded at ₹266-270 per kg, and 40 count carded at ₹295-300 per kg. 

Panipat’s recycled yarn market has registered a steady trend in recycled yarn prices, but cotton comber prices have further increased by ₹4-5 per kg due to limited supply and higher consumption. A trade source has said that cotton comber supply will increase because of higher production of cotton yarn by mills, but the market will take some time to settle down on better supply. 

In Panipat, 10s recycled yarn (grey) was traded at ₹88-92 per kg (GST extra), 10s recycled yarn (black) was traded at ₹60-65 per kg, 20s recycled yarn (grey) at ₹105-110 per kg, and 30s recycled yarn (grey) at ₹150-155 per kg. Comber prices were noted at ₹155-160 per kg. Recycled polyester fibre (PET bottle fibre) was noted at ₹74-77 per kg. 

North India’s cotton prices have bounced back due to improved demand from spinners, with prices increasing by ₹30-50 per maund of 37.2 kg in Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan. According to traders, cotton prices have improved after a sluggish trend in the last couple of days, with better buying from spinning mills. Most mills are now running at 80-100 per cent production capacity. Cotton arrival was noted at 15,000 bales of 170 kg in north Indian states. Cotton was traded at ₹6,310-6,410 per maund in Punjab, ₹6,310-6,410 per maund in Haryana, and ₹6,520-6,620 per maund in upper Rajasthan, and at ₹60,200-62,200 per candy of 356 kg in lower Rajasthan. 

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (KUL)


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