CoderZ Launches New Code Farm Coding and Robotics Course for Grades Four Through Six



DERRY, N.H. – When young students learn coding, they hone skills – such as computational thinking and collaboration – that enhance their success in school and future careers. CoderZ, an award-winning, cloud-based robotics and STEM platform, is helping educators introduce computer science in elementary and early middle school with its new Code Farm coding and robotics course for grades four through six.

Created for teachers and students with no prior experience in coding or robotics, Code Farm provides 45-60 hours of self-paced, gamified activities with real-time feedback and step-by-step instructions. The course offers a broad view of computer science education through a variety of lenses: engineering design, algorithms and coding, ethics and the social impact of technology, and more. The course is aligned with relevant standards frameworks, such as CSTA and NGSS, and includes extension opportunities for middle school classrooms.

Learners use the programming language Blockly to steer virtual robots through tasks such as collecting fruit, avoiding obstacles, and even planting a garden of their own design.

“We’ve designed this introductory course to set the standard for in-class elementary computer science programs,” said CoderZ’s Director of Pedagogy Elizabeth Bacon. “Strategic scaffolding is embedded throughout the program, so teachers can successfully advance all students in various aspects of STEM learning using a discovery-based approach. 

Code Farm’s targeted skill-building lessons are paired with open-ended project work to deepen understanding and develop critical thinking. Activities include the following:

·       Practicing debugging skills

·       Using sensors to navigate a robot

·       Using repeat loops

·       Using variables

·       Creating and collaborating on projects

Additionally, students also hone skills such as creativity, collaboration, and communication by participating in guided classroom activities and discussions.

“This newest addition to our award-winning CoderZ platform furthers our mission of igniting learners’ passion for STEM and preparing them for a successful future,” said Eldar Aharonovich, CoderZ’s COO. “That’s why we’re participating in the Hour of Code this December where students can participate in our Plant a Garden activity.”

Requiring no specialized hardware or training, all CoderZ courses are easy to implement, cost effective, and designed to empower any teacher to introduce STEM to their classroom. For more information on Code Farm, visit

About CoderZ

CoderZ believes STEM education is essential for the future and should be universally available to all kids. So, we built an engaging virtual robotics platform that makes it easy for anyone to learn (and teach) the core subjects that bring STEM to life! Grounded in math, physics, and engineering, CoderZ educates students in computational thinking and technical ability. It challenges them with real-world problem-solving to develop a growth mindset. For afree trial visit:

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