Bangladesh’s Factory Social Score application goes live



The Factory Social Score application, a global solution to monitor the social and governance performance of workplaces — to improve Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics, is now available from the Google play store, although it can only be used by invitation. PrimaDollar recently signed agreements with 4 Bangladeshi factories for the system.

The first factory workers started to use the app to provide real-time and anonymous feedback on their workplace. The app is designed for continuous use and received a good reception from a large workforce – keen to provide feedback and to have their voice heard. Many thanks to the team at Climax Garb in Bangladesh for their input, support and trust.

“As data points build, we will be able to generate a standardised social score for the workplace that can be compared domestically, internationally and across industry. Moreover, it can be published and used with international buyers, and even made available to consumers in shops and online – answering for the first time “who made my clothes?,” PrimaDollar said on its website.

For the first time, international buyers can see when their actions (a cancelled order, a delayed shipment, a rush job, a delayed payment) cascade into outcomes for the workers on the ground. Now, the factory owner knows that the ESG relationship with international customers is fully transparent and not based upon the chance outcomes of annual audits involving just a few of workers pulled at random from the hundreds of workers he or she employs.

This is the start of a revolution in the way the workers, factories, buyers and consumers interact – allowing factories with strong social scores finally to obtain better prices for their products as consumers are given the data to make informed decisions for themselves.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (RR)


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