Australia’s Super Retail Group’s revenue at $2 bn in H1 FY24



Super Retail Group, a leading Australia-based company, has reported preliminary unaudited revenue of $2 billion in the first half of fiscal 2024 (H1 FY24). The company’s profit before tax (PBT) is projected to be between $200 million and $203 million.

The group’s overall sales growth for the first half was 3 per cent, with a 1 per cent like-for-like sales growth when comparing FY24 to FY23 for the weeks 1 to 26, Super Retail said in a press release.

Australian company Super Retail Group reported a preliminary unaudited H1 FY24 revenue of $2 billion with a PBT of $200-203 million.
The company’s overall sales grew by 3 per cent in H1 FY24, with a 1 per cent like-for-like increase.
Rebel brand’s sales fell by 1 per cent, while BCF’s sales rose by 8 per cent, and Macpac saw a 4 per cent increase.

Rebel, the group’s sports retailing brand, experienced a 1 per cent decrease in sales and a more significant 3 per cent decline in like-for-like sales. On a more positive note, BCF, another of the group’s brands, showed a robust performance with an 8 per cent increase in sales and a 2 per cent growth in like-for-like sales.

Macpac, the group’s outdoor apparel and equipment brand, also reported positive results. The brand saw a 4 per cent rise in sales and maintained stability in like-for-like sales.

“The group has traded well over the cyber sales and Christmas holiday trading period. We maintained positive like-for-like sales growth in the first half, however cost of living pressures on the consumer did lead to a more constrained retail trading environment at the end of the second quarter. Despite this, our customer proposition and the resilience of the lifestyle and leisure categories in which we operate underpin our performance in challenging economic conditions where consumers are sharpening their focus on value,” said Anthony Heraghty, CEO and managing director.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP)


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