4 Must-Read Books On Chess For Beginners

Chess For Beginners

Chess is a board game for two players. The game is played on a chessboard, a square board divided into 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The game’s object is to checkmate the opponent’s king, whereby the king is trapped in a position where it cannot move and is attacked by one or more of the opponent’s pieces. If you’re a beginner and looking to improve your chess game, you should read some books on the subject. In this blog post, we’ll recommend 4 must-read books on chess for beginners.

1.My System by Aron Nimzowitsch

Aron Nimzowitsch’s “My System” is one of the most important chess books ever written. In it, Nimzowitsch lays out his groundbreaking ideas on chess. These ideas have been highly influential in subsequent chess thinking and continue to be studied by chess players worldwide.

One of Nimzowitsch’s most important ideas is the concept of pawn structure. Nimzowitsch believed that pawn structure was one of the most critical aspects of the game and could be used to gain an advantage over one’s opponent. He developed several techniques for achieving and defending a strong pawn structure, and these techniques are still studied by chess players today.

Nimzowitsch also emphasized the importance of the center of the board and discussed how to use it to dominate one’s opponent. Nimzowitsch believed that control of the center is necessary for both attack and defense in chess and claimed that whoever controlled the center would ultimately win.

Ultimately, “My System” is a masterpiece of chess literature, and any serious player should own a copy. Everyone from beginners to experts can find something of value within its pages.

RarBG has a vast library of chess ebooks for free download. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, there’s something for everyone. Plus, the site is easy to navigate, so finding what you’re looking for is a breeze.

2. The Art of Attack in Chess by Vladimir Vukovic

The Art of Attack in Chess is one of the most important books on chess strategy. In it, Vladimir Vukovic explains how to attack your opponent’s king.

The first step is to identify the enemy king’s weaknesses. You can do this by looking at the position of the king and its surrounding pieces. The king is most vulnerable when under attack from two or more sides.

Once you have identified the king’s weaknesses, you can launch your attack. You can do this by attacking the king’s weak squares, using your pawns to create threats, or using your pieces to create mating patterns.

If you want to attack your opponent’s king successfully, you need to be able to visualize the position of the king and its surrounding pieces. You also need to analyze your opponent’s defense and determine how best to attack his king.

The Art of Attack in Chess is a classic chess book that every beginner should read. It’s easy to understand and teaches you some of the most essential concepts in chess. If you want to improve your attacking skills at chess, this book is for you!

3. Modern Ideas In Chess Strategy by Richard Reti

The first concept Reti discusses is the initiative. The initiative is the ability to control the game by making moves that force the opponent to react. The player with the industry can force the opponent into a passive position, where the opponent can only react to the player’s moves. This can be done by attacking the opponent’s pieces, controlling key squares, or forcing the opponent to move their pieces into unfavorable positions.

The second concept Reti discusses is the value of the pieces. The value of a piece can be determined by its position on the board, its type, and the number of pieces of that type that are already on the board. The most valuable pieces are the queen and the rook, followed by the bishop and the knight.

The third concept Reti discusses is the value of the squares. The value of a square can be determined by its position, its type, and the number of pieces that occupy that square. The most valuable squares are located on the kingside and in the center.

With these three concepts in mind, you can start to understand how to attack your opponent’s king. You can do this by attacking with your pieces, utilizing threats or mating patterns, or avoiding exchanges that allow you to exert control over an important square on your opponent’s side of the board.

4. Think Like a Grandmaster by Alexander Kotov

The title of this book, “Think Like a Grandmaster,” suggests that the author, Alexander Kotov, will teach the reader how to think like a grandmaster chess player. This is an ambitious goal, given that grandmasters are some of the best thinkers in the world. However, Kotov does not disappoint.

Kotov begins the book by discussing the importance of thinking ahead in chess. He notes that the best chess players can think many moves ahead and that the ability to think ahead separates the best players from the rest. Kotov then discusses various techniques that chess players can use to think ahead. He covers topics such as visualization, calculation, and prevention.

In conclusion, if you want to improve your chess game, it’s essential to read as much as you can about it. These four books are a great place to start, but plenty of other resources are available online and in libraries. Keep practicing and learning, and you will gradually improve your skills.