10 keys to get the “juice” out of your LinkedIn profile



This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

LinkedIn is a social network that many have but few people get all the “juice” it has. This platform not only serves to see what your friends are working on, it allows you to make professional contacts that can be the key to taking your career to the next level or even give you the partners you need to make your business stand out.


However, having a profile is not enough for recruiters to come to your door. To attract professional connections, you need to have the right information and a photo that looks attractive, but respectable.

We give you the advice that LinkedIn and Nikon offer to have the perfect profile on this social network.

1. Good profile: complete your profile to the fullest; the more details you include, the better. It will be easier and faster for users to find you.

2. A correct address: customize the URL of your profile so that it appears among the first results in Google.

3. Extract: Write a summary of your professional career with a short, attractive and easy to read text. This will work as a digital cover letter.

4. Experience: ask (ex) colleagues, (former) bosses, teachers, clients or suppliers for recommendations. That will give you more credibility with new contacts.

Do not forget to add your skills, that is, highlight the tasks that you have developed throughout your professional experience.

5. Projects: share your work. Improve your profile by adding links to your professional projects, so that everyone can see them and they work as evidence of what you can do.

6. Education: includes universities and centers where you have received some type of instruction, as well as courses and voluntary activities.

7. Skills and knowledge: Include keywords, this way, when other professionals look for people with your skills, they will find you.

8. Groups: By joining the conversations in the LinkedIn communities, you will have access to new ideas and stay up to date with the latest trends.

9. Give “follow”: find the profiles of the people you want to imitate to always be aware of their news.
10. Post a professional photograph: remember that you must give a respectable and responsible image.

– Avoid wearing clothes of a similar color to your skin tone.
– Do not use bright colors such as red or orange because they take away attention to your face.
– Avoid colors like white, yellow and pink as they make your skin look pale.
– The best colors for photos that give a professional image are blue, green and wine.
– Don’t wear too much makeup. A natural look is the best cover letter.
– Have a good posture. Smile, but don’t overdo your expression.
– Golden rule: Do not dress for the job you have, but for the position you want.
– The framing must be from the head to the men.
– Be natural, do not exaggerate your hairstyle or makeup because you damage your personal brand.

Following these tips will allow you to enhance your network of contacts through this social network.


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