This anti-vaxxer’s brother is PISSED, and with good reason




You should wear pants.

It’s still a free country, right?

Uh, no really, you should wear pants. 

2021 isn’t an election year!


Uh, yeah. Vaxxed people can still catch COVID, but odds are they won’t end up hospitalized. That’s why you should vaccinate. 

And yes, masking adds another layer of protection, because what is it with these assholes that makes them so eager to get sick? Hell, I’m a masker for life, even after this pandemic passes, particularly in crowded indoor poor circulation places like subways. And if I have even the barest sniffles? You better believe I’ll mask up to protect others, even if it’s just the common cold. 

Because I’m not an asshole. 


What is this magical agenda the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supposedly has by asking people to mask up? 

Does the CDC have stock in national suppliers of cloth and N95 materials? 

Also, why would anyone get on a cruise ship during these times …


I’m pretty sure we can all endorse that. You don’t want to vaccinate, then extricate yourself from polite society. Kthxbye.


Eh, they once said they would vaccinate once the vaccines received formal FDA approval. We know that 1) they’re full of shit, 2) they lie, and 3) they’ll happily move the goalposts time and time again. 


Nah, let’s just follow the politics. 

One side wants people to be safe and live. The other thinks they can win a GOP presidential primary by killing off the most people. 

There’s no political upside for any Republican to say “vaccinate.” Even Donald Trump learned that lesson. 


So weird that they think the CDC makes money from this shit. 

Too bad they don’t do this cartoon, but with Big Oil choking the planet in greenhouse gasses, or billionaires like the Koch brothers squeezing out the life of the lower and middle classes. 


Nah, not really the first time. Happens all the time actually, like with polio. Vaccines are only effective with mass adoption. 



Woah woah woah. 




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