Shocking! India Might See A Decline Of 41 Crore In Population By 2100



India currently sits on the second position on the list of most populous countries in the world and the first is China. However, it has been estimated that the population of the country would decrease by 41 crore by 2100. In the next 78 years, India’s population will decline at a fast pace and the outcome of this will be harmful for the country, according to a study.

Whenever the population of a country starts decreasing then the living standards and knowledge also gets limited. Around 478 people live per square kilometer in India while in China 148 people live per square kilometer and by 2100 this figure will go down to 335 people per soiree kilometer in India. It is being said that India’s population density will fall more quickly than the rest of the world.

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India’s current population is 141.2 crore and in 2100, it could fall down to 100.3 crore people, according to a report by the Population Division of the United Nations. On the other hand, China’s population will also fall to 49.4 crore in 2100. It is being said that decline in fertility rates will be the major cause of loss in population and India’s fertility rate will fall to 1.19 births per woman by 2100. A study has said that countries getting richer will see a decline in fertility levels and which will result in decline in population.

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