But before all that—he hates to brag, so I will—he was a U.S. Navy officer so courageous that he“was physically lowered into a damaged nuclear reactorinChalk River,Ontario,Canada, and exposed to levels of radiation unthinkable today after an accident.“
Jimmy and his bud Willie
Carter’s post-presidency is where he really shines—like leading the charge to eradicate guinea worm disease in Africa—and he warrants every accolade we can throwDaily Kos member 81380’sway.
His motto at theCarterCentersays it all: “Waging Peace, Fighting Disease, Building Hope.” Done…done…and done.
And kudos for throwing jabs at the right-wing freak show, as he did in his speech during the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March onWashingtonin 2013:
“I believe we all know how Dr. King would have reacted to the new ID requirements to exclude certain voters, especially African-Americans. I think we all know how Dr. King would have reacted to the Supreme Court striking down a crucial part of the Voters’ Rights Act, just recently passed overwhelmingly by Congress.
President Carter, 1979
I think we all know how Dr. King would have reacted to unemployment among African-Americans being almost twice the rate of white people and for teenagers at 42 percent. I think we all know how Dr. King would have reacted to our country being awash in guns and for more and more states passing “stand your ground” laws. I think we know how Dr. King would have reacted to people of theDistrict of Columbiastill not having full citizenship rights.
And I think we all know how Dr. King would have reacted to having more than 835,000 African-American men in prison—five times as many as when I left office—and with one-third of all African-American males being destined to be in prison in their lifetimes.”
After a superhuman lifetime of service, Jimmy’s slowing down. His Sunday school classes in Plains are behind him, and he won’t be hammering any more nails for Habitat for Humanity. But he’s still making his presence known through political endorsements and as a soon-to-be comic book hero. (See an excerpt from it here.)
What more can we say? Happy birthday, Jimmy. In the pantheon of Most Excellent American Role Models, you stand so tall you don’t even need a pedestal.
And now, our feature presentation…
Cheers and Jeers for Friday, October 1, 2021
Note: Because you were all so well-behaved during September, we have a special reward for you: no C&J will appear here Monday, giving you a well-deserved day off to frolic among the mums and luxuriate/exfoliate at your nearest pumpkin spice-scented day spa. Enjoy your time off, and we’ll see you back here Tuesday. —Mgt.
CHEERSto October. Busy month ahead! Autumn kicks into high gear for leaf-peepers, cider-lovers, flannel wearers, and Covid trackers. The Supreme Court, now including a woman who believes wives should submit to their husbands and Americans in general should submit to the laws of Invisible Sky Man, gavels itself into session. Pink ribbons proliferate for breast cancer awareness month. The Nobel Prizes will be doled out starting Monday, and this year I’m the favorite to win in the category of “Just You For Being You.” Plus:
Happy 29th, you two.
Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate their 29th anniversary Sunday. This month’s full moon (the 20th) is called a “Hunter’s Moon” because it’s in the shape of a laptop Ha Ha Ha Ha Topical Moon Humor! Advocates for the right to keep and bare arms—lots and lots of arms—will celebrate World Octopus Day on the 8th. It’s LGBT History Month and the 11th is “Coming Out Day.” Plus it’s also “ex-gay awareness month” during which we’ll all reflect on how there aren’t actually any ex-gays to be aware of. Columbus Day (the 11th) becomes more of an unwanted relic as more states and communities replace it with Indigenous Peoples Day. And I’m predicting the right-wingers will boycott Halloween on the 31st because, of course, wearing masks is now worse than the holocaust.
New movies include a new version of Dune, Daniel Craig’s long-delayed swan song as 007 in the 3-hour bladder buster No Time to Pee, and another entry in the Halloween franchise. (I keep telling Jamie Lee Curtis: if you want to finish off Michael Myers for good, you gotta haul out the wood chipper. But does she listen to me? Nooooo.) And hovering over everything like a wet blanket is the fact that Congress is going to continue being Congress. Strap yourself in. Bumpy ride ahead.
CHEERS to today’s message from the Democratic Party Minister of Propaganda. Since there is no Democratic Party Minister of Propaganda, I decided this week to claim the title until such time that I am stabbed to death in the bathtub by the next person who wants to be the Democratic Party Minister of Propaganda more than me. Today’s update is great and glorious and to be believed, each and every word:
House progressives saved America last night by beating back an attempt by the forces of evil to derail the massive and spectacular Build Back Better Bill and its companion, the Build Back Even Betterer Bill. But what happened next will shock you!
Only Joe can save America!
President Biden—chosen by God to lead our great nation—single-handedly also saved America from oblivion by signing a big, beautiful document that prevented a government shutdown. Then, in a move no one saw coming, he destroyed a Republican effort to replace all of America‘s minorities with white men bused in from Russia. The victory fireworks display lasted four hours and his approval rating soared to 92 percent!
Finally, the Trump family has been cornered in their tower at Mar-A-Lago, where authorities will soon be taking them into custody for doing Nazi stuff.
Remember: Democrats are the party of freedom, patriotism, America, baseball, and very beautiful brains. Share this message with 1,000 people this weekend and you will be looked upon with pride and enthusiasm by your country. Donkey power huzzah!
CHEERSto portraits in contrast. Fifty-four years ago tomorrow, on Oct. 2nd, 1967, Thurgood Marshallwas sworn in as the newest member of the Supreme Court—the first African-American elevated to the nation’s highest bench. He once said:
“Today’s Constitution is a realistic document of freedom only because of several corrective amendments. Those amendments speak to a sense of decency and fairness that I and other Blacks cherish.”
Fifty-four years later there’s another African-American on the bench named Clarence Thomas. He once said, “How did this pubic hair get on my Coke can, Ms. Hill? Ha ha ha.” My god, it’s like they’re twins.
CHEERSto home vegetation.It’s gettin’ cold out—time to huddle around the warmth of the cathode-ray tube. (If you haven’t got a cathode-ray tube, a half a cathode-ray tube will do. If you haven’t got half a cathode-ray tube then God bless you.) Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell kick things off as usual by unpacking the Friday news dumps tonight, including whatever happened today in Congress. Or you can catch the season premiere of Penn & Teller’s Fool Us at 8 on the CW. At 11: the season premiere of The Graham Norton Showon BBC America with 007 Daniel Craig and other cast members from No Time to Die.
47th season starts tomorrow night.
The most popular home videos, new and old, are all reviewedhere at Rotten Tomatoes. Sports: The WNBA semifinals schedule is here, thebaseball lineup is hereand theNFL schedule is here. (Bucs vs. Patriots—aka Brady vs. Belichick—will be the big event Sunday night.) Also: SNL returns to 30 Rock this weekend to start its 47thseason with host Owen Wilson.
Sunday on60 Minutes: a former employee of Facebook who turned whistleblower speaks out, and Tony Bennett’s final performance. Then Grampa falls victim to a phone scammer onThe Simpsons, and Peter and the guys reminisce about encounters with three rock legends onFamily Guy. Last but not least, John Oliver offers up a new edition of HBO’sLast Week Tonight Sunday night at 11.
Now here’s your Sunday morning lineup, such that it is:
Meet the Press: TBA
Face the Nation: Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ); Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV); former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb.
CNN’s State of theUnion: Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA).
This Week:TBA
Fox GOP Talking Points Sunday: TBA
Happy viewing!
Ten years ago in C&J: October 1, 2011
CHEERS to Schoolhouse Barack. President Obama gave his annual speech to America’s students this week. He told them to study hard, make decisions based on facts, think outside the box, share with others, and be nice to people. Or, as the conservative fringe calls it: tyranny.
And just one more…
CHEERSto the skinny brown guy with the big ears and the funny name. No, not Barack Obama.India‘s favorite son,Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiwould’ve been 152 tomorrow. He pretty much wrote the book on non-violent dissent which, closer to home, was adapted to great effect by Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lewis, among others. In honor of his day, some timeless Gandhi wisdom:
“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.”
“Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man”
The world needs more Gandhis.
“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
And this one, which seems especially relevant in light of the current Republican war on American democracy:
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it—always.”
I just wish they weren’t so good at getting back up. But, yeah, okay…point taken.
Have a great weekend. Floor’s open…What are you cheering and jeering about today?