Riverside Insights and Educator Impact Partner to Improve Student Well-being and Enrich School Cultures



ITASCA, Ill. – May 6, 2022 – Riverside Insights®, a leading developer of research-based assessments and analytics, today announced a new partnership with Educator Impact, an international,  Australian-based Ed Tech company dedicated to enriching school cultures through student and staff well-being “pulse checks.”  Educator Impact’s Pulse product, on its easy-to-use platform, provides key insights to help educational leaders regularly gauge the well-being of students and staff, inform SEL strategies and school wellness programs, and enhance overall school health. 

Unlike other observational well-being tools, ei Pulse quickly gathers and amplifies student and teacher voices and empowers educators with direct feedback to help personalize connections, shape classroom climates, and strengthen school communities. 

“Riverside Insights’ partnership with Educator Impact further illustrates our commitment to support the whole child and their ‘Limitless Learning’ by empowering them to unlock their full potential” said CEO, Rajib Roy, Riverside Insights. “We know that students learn best when they feel safe, supported, and loved. These contextual student well-being insights, paired with student ability and achievement measures, empower teachers with a 360-degree view of students so they can serve their classroom’s needs. Riverside Insights will now be able to support educators with a more comprehensive set of insights to accelerate student learning.” 

With this agreement, schools licensing the ei Pulse platform can create a safe channel for students and staff to voice their needs. ei Pulse asks students six, research-backed questions, starting with “How are you feeling today?,” enabling educators to quickly capture a snapshot of student well-being and engagement.   Each “pulse check-in” takes less than 60-seconds but provides real-time data that empowers school leaders and teachers with an honest understanding of how students are feeling. 

As schools continue to face challenges with staff retention, ei Pulse offers an anonymous channel for teachers to provide candid feedback that helps administrators support their staff and work together to shape a healthy learning culture. This tool is of particular importance now, as about 40% of those working in K-12 education have considered changing jobs because of anxiety, stress, depression and burnout resulting from the pandemic, the National Education Association reported.

With the addition of ei Pulse, Riverside Insights now offers a holistic set of tools to help educators understand the full picture of each student, with insights into a student’s potential, performance, progress, and overall well-being. Riverside’s industry-leading ability measure, (CogAT®), coupled with its specialized assessments for Math and Reading performance (IowaFlex, Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test (IAAT) and Gates-MacGinitie Reading Test® (GMRT)), and its quick tools to support progress monitoring and intervention (easyCBM and ESGI) create a comprehensive assessment portfolio that can unlock every student’s potential through Limitless Learning. 

“We applaud Riverside Insights for integrating the ability to rapidly and regularly check in on each student in a way that provides the most comfort, privacy and security to the child,” said Nabil Shaheen, CEO, Educator Impact.  “We are confident that the addition of the Educator Impact platform to Riverside’s portfolio of assessment tools and insights will provide educators with a more robust understanding of each child – a first of its kind in Ed Tech.”

About Educator Impact

Educator Impact is an international, Australian business that helps schools improve their culture and student outcomes by connecting well-being, performance, and engagement. They have worked with hundreds of trusted educational institutions around the world. for more information, visit www.educatorimpact.com/use/student-pulse/

About Riverside Insights

Riverside Insights, one of the nation’s leading and most long-standing developers of research-based assessments, is led by a powerful mission: to provide insights that help elevate potential and enrich the lives of students, clinical patients, employees, and organizations globally. For more information, visit www.riversideinsights.com

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