Dude had to debunk it all by himself earlier in 2016 at a Facebook town hall live, that he ain’t a shapeshifting lizard person. However the internet can’t keep calm each time he posts a selfie that looks more ded than a mannequin tbh! His pupils have always been alleged to be reptilian. LOL. The reptilian alien theory proponents believe there are shape shifting reptilians amongst us naive humans who go about their biz without making a fuss. Most conspiracy theorists claim with shoddy photoshopped evidence that the elites are mostly evil reptilian overlords. Now with Mark’s latest selfie, netizens are trolling him again. He posted the rather innocuous groupfie along with a bunch of employees in Insta and FB on April 25th 2022 from Meta’s first physical store launch in Burlingame California.
Some see Mark’s innocuous selfie as soulless! Really? Well. . .others morphed it to dole out netizens their slice of vitamin meme. Here’s a handful of ‘em.
The original … pic.twitter.com/doxf9LDvT8
— Locke (@jlz0z) May 8, 2022
“Let’s have a selfie, like the humans do.” pic.twitter.com/uiWdIKDFNI
— Ian Power (@IHPower) May 8, 2022
i know this is an altered version of the photo, but even still
im convinced that one day, mark zuckerberg was replaced by aliens or lizardmen that took his flesh https://t.co/gxd7kRGzgg
— Lucille Luna ENVTuber | FFXIV arc or smth (@LucilleLunaVT) May 8, 2022
— Hülk (@Race_Dominator) May 9, 2022
— pseudonomadic. (@unzoly) May 9, 2022
vs Untouchables general look of disappointment pic.twitter.com/wa1s9ULKoq
— Christopher Whitton (@ChristovWhitty) May 9, 2022
— Barb (@HeisenBarb) May 10, 2022
It spreads pic.twitter.com/Gp6Rt8Pgiu
— Cmdkittykate ~ 2% (@frosty_as_toast) May 10, 2022
— Eric (@EricFlut) May 9, 2022
See Also: $27 Million! The Staggering Cost Meta Spent To Keep CEO Mark Zuckerberg Safe
Yawn! This is feeling like a bit of a drag now. But then Mark would end being the butt of mockery posting with his rather lifeless digital avatars. So much so that even Madame Tussauds Mark looks more original hooman lol
How is it that the Madame Tussauds wax model of Mark Zuckerberg looks way more like a real person than Mark Zuckerberg does? Oh my god pic.twitter.com/pdkHLbN488
— Allergic to my own Swag (@coherentstates) October 25, 2019
Zuck’s never been bothered though by all the memes. He seems more determined forging a metaverse that would rather delineate us from real life! His version of Metaverse is not just expensive to access but also at the moment a bit creepy. There’s a ton of work that needs to be done to build a more safer virtual world experience in the metaverse. The damage FB has done in the lives of fomo sapiens could be purged with a more ethical digital experience in the metaverse. Hopefully creepy algos dont take over there too!
Or maybe he’s building Metaverse to keep us all gullible hoomans in the virtual world while the reptilians takeover IRL O_o
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