How To Make Data Subject Access Requests With An Ease?

Data Subject Access Request

Do you know that it is quite easy to request access to their personal details available on the companies’ platform?

Yes, it is true!

Anyone can request access.

According to the changes and the amendments, most of the companies are obligated to act on the user’s requests. According to industry regulations, enterprises need to reveal how the user’s personal information is used and saved by the company. However, not all DSAR requests need to get accepted.

What Is DSAR?

Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) is considered as a submission request that an individual makes to an organization asking for access to their details on the online application. Since 2020, the companies have been obligated to fulfill the DSAR requests under GDPR and CCPA industry regulations.

How To Make A Request For Data Subject Access Requests?

To access or receive a copy of an individual user’s data, one can call, email, direct message, send a letter, or even tweet to the company. All these are valid ways of communicating the DSAR request.

It can be in any format which gets easily accepted by the organizations. 


The Data Subject Access Request is free of cost service for which no company can charge any fee.

What Are The Steps Involved In Initiating A DSAR Request?

Step 1 – 

The first and foremost step is to verify the company’s contact details to which you want to make a request. If possible, then try to mention the specific department.

Step 2 – 

Then, make sure to draft and organize the format of the application letter. It must have all the details you would want to know about.

Step 3- 

The final step of the initiation request requires you to enter the following information:

  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Account details of the company such as account name and email address.


The company you apply for the details request gets a deadline of a month to deliver the user’s details.

Important Things To Know!

Keep a copy of all DSAR-related correspondence documents, both sent and received. It might be beneficial if an organization does not cooperate with your request.

Is It Important For Companies To Comply With The DSAR Request?

According to the law, all enterprises must comply with the DSA requests. They must submit the result within one of receiving the data access request.

If the user’s request is complex and requires many details, which may take some time, then the time limit can be extended. Again, though, the company requires regularly keeping in contact with the user and sharing the details.

Also, if the company fails to provide the access data, legal action can be taken against the enterprise.