How Many of Us Actually Stick to Our New Year’s Resolutions? (Infographic)



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The start of a new year seems to be the perfect time to take stock of where we are in our lives and the things we’d like to improve upon. Often, though, our best intentions are no match for daily life and we slide back into old patterns.

The folks at beauty site conducted a survey last month where they asked 2,000 people about their New Year’s resolutions. The results were telling: Only 32 percent of people who made resolutions stuck with them for a month or more. That might be why 48 percent of men and 39 percent of women are choosing not to make any resolutions at all.

Take a look at the infographic below, which features more nuggets from the study, and pay special attention to the tips on how to make your New Year’s Eve promises last. Stick with it, and next year, that’ll be something extra to celebrate.

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How Many of Us Actually Stick to Our New Year's Resolutions? (Infographic)


Related: Want to Start Building Momentum for 2015? Start Your Resolutions Now.


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