Google Maps Is Testing A New Feature That Allows Users To Dock Locations



Google Maps Is Testing A New Feature That Allows Users To Dock Locations

Google Maps is working on a new feature called ‘Dock to Bottom’ that lets users dock locations at the bottom of the map page. Isn’t it cool?

Based on the Search Engine Roundtable reports, the new feature adds a ‘Dock To Bottom’ button in the Google Maps app which allows users to quickly locate the docked location on the map.

This feature will be very useful for businesses as people can locate the exact location on Google Maps.

It is also said that the ‘Dock To Botton’ feature will also include a close option which means the dock will be hidden from Google Maps as soon as users tap the close option. Besides, the new feature will be helpful to dock specific locations or plan a trip without any hassle.

However, there isn’t any official confirmation yet regarding when this feature will be rolled out.

Recently, Google Maps rolled out a new feature called the ‘Area Busyness’ feature that updates users about the live busyness trends of a specific place. This feature helps the users plan their travel according to the crowdedness of a specific place post-COVID pandemic.

Besides, the new Directory tab option lets the users go through famous public places like restaurants, airports, malls, etc.


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