Apple is said to be launching three new Apple Watch models in the upcoming months and rumours have already started circulating on the web claiming that the Apple Watch Pro will be the major attraction of the launch event. In the previous leaks, it has been claimed that the Watch Pro is going to ship with a bigger display, a better battery life, and a new body-temperature sensor. It was also suggested that the fitness tracker will be capable enough of staying on for multiple-day when switched to low-power mode. In the latest report, it has been revealed that the watch will not offer any new sensor.
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In the latest report, Mark Gurman of Bloomberg has revealed some more information about the upcoming smartwatch. Gurman believes that the Cupertino tech giant is working on a high-end model called Rugged which is specially made for extreme sports. According to the report, Apple might launch “an evolution of the current rectangular shape, and not a circular one.”
The new high end Apple Watch “Pro” will have the first new design since 2018 and use a more durable titanium. And no, it won’t be circular or have flat edges. https://t.co/bDQurtCW5H
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) July 24, 2022
hi Furthermore, the report suggests that the new watchOS9 is teasing an Apple Watch Pro with extreme sports features. The new operating system is said to ship with a revamped Workout app. Moreover, the Watch Pro is also said to get new Watch Faces which are going to look better on the bigger display.
Most importantly, Gurman reveals that the sensors on the Apple Watch Pro and Apple Watch Series 8 will remain the same. It will arrive with similar sensors except for the body temperature and the blood-pressure monitoring sensor is not going to be part of the smartwatch until 2025.
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“I’m told that the high-end model is going to be a good bit bigger than the standard Apple Watch—big enough that it might only appeal to a subset of customers. The screen will be about 7% larger, and the device will have a fresh look—the first time the company has introduced a new Apple Watch design since 2018. It will be an evolution of the current rectangular shape, and not circular. It also won’t have those rumored flat sides (for those who will undoubtedly ask). In terms of materials, the watch will have a more durable formulation of titanium to make it extra rugged,” Mark Gurman said in the report.
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