Android Application Development

Mobile app development

Since the creation of the first smartphones and tablets, mobile applications have firmly entered our lives. At their core, these are programs created specifically for mobile devices. Android is an operating system that allows you to run applications.

Android development is the creation of applications for users of tablets and smartphones for any task. There are a huge number of such applications, and every year they become more and more perfect. The mobile application market is constantly growing and developing, and now its turnover is in the millions of dollars.

What is Android Mobile Application Development?

Mobile app development Manchester is the writing of software by a development team, from idea to distribution on special platforms. Most applications can be purchased and downloaded from Google Play or other similar online stores, and many of them are installed on the device when shipped. Many apps are free, others have a free trial or premium version. By downloading and installing the application once, you can download updates for it regularly.

Applications perform a variety of functions:
utility (clocks, schedulers, utilities for reading, viewing and listening to files);
protective (antiviruses, recognition systems);
games (from the simplest to the most complex MMO RPGs);
instant messengers (for exchanging text, audio and video messages).

Each of the applications runs in its own “sandbox” – an isolated software environment, its code is executed in isolation from other applications. Android implements the principle of least privilege, which means that each application has access only to the components it needs to work and not to any others. This improves performance and ensures security. During installation, access to some device-specific data may be requested.

The application can also represent the user part of a large service delivery service, such as a taxi network, food delivery, or government services. Many organizations with a base of regular users, for example, fitness clubs, have their own applications. Each such large project includes several components: a client side, a database, a control panel, and a website.

Key questions before creating an application

Android application development is done in Java, as well as some other languages ​​such as C/C++, Python, etc. The choice of a developer is very important. Different developers can implement the same ideas in different ways, it is important whether there was already experience of similar projects and how they were implemented. It is very important for the customer to accurately formulate his request, on the basis of which the terms of reference will be written.

If the terms of reference are too difficult to write or there is no time for it, a short briefing is held, during which several important issues are clarified:

 Users. This is the target audience of those who use the application: people of a certain gender, age, with certain interests and marital status. It depends on them what the structure of the application and its appearance will be.

 Problems . These are specific situations in which the application will be useful.

 Benefits . How the application compares favorably with analogues.

 Profit . How you can earn on the application. This may be advertising, in-app purchases, additional features, a subscription, and sometimes the application itself.

Android application development process

Android development is not only writing code. Creating an application starts with an idea, and the process includes several stages:

1. Planning and evaluation of the initial data.
At this stage, the customer’s documentation is studied, a work plan is drawn up and deadlines are set, and the budget is calculated.

2. Analytics.
Drawing up a list of requirements and choosing ways to implement them. Writing technical requirements for developers.

3. Application interface design.
Creating prototypes, drawing the screen, icons, layout details, preparing covers for online stores.

4. Development.
Writing code, creating an API for integration with other applications and websites, layout.

5. Testing.
Checking the correctness of work using all possible scenarios, finding and eliminating errors. Testing is carried out using mobile device emulators, cloud platforms and other technical means.

6. Release.
Uploading the finished application on Google Play and other stores, advertising and distribution. When planning the monetization of the application, you need to remember that many online stores take quite a large commission, so it must be included in the cost of the program for a better payback.

7. Escort.
Project support, updates, bug fixes, improvements.

Applications can be native or cross-platform. The latter are simpler and more versatile, but the former are more convenient, more familiar to users and can work without a network. If the budget is limited, then it is better to give preference to a native application. By testing it and getting feedback from users, you can understand whether cross-platform development is appropriate.

The release date must be planned with a margin, since applications can undergo reviews in online stores, which take up to a month. Therefore, plans related to implementation and promotion should be planned after the end of the review. Read about google new trick I’m Feeling Curious.
When planning and compiling a list of works, it is desirable to document all agreements. Each action must be coordinated and recorded on paper. It will be useful to establish communications between developers and create a unified information environment.