A Patient Guide To Medical Cannabis


Can marijuana be used medically or is it just for “pot smokers”? Can marijuana be used medically or is it just for “pot smokers”? Many states in the US and Europe have legalized medicinal cannabis, including Australia, Canada, and the UK.

In fact, marijuana, cannabis, or both have a number of complex properties that may provide health benefits for a wide range of conditions.

There is evidence that medicinal cannabis can be helpful in managing health maladies. It might surprise you to learn about the controversy, the political agendas, misinformation, and the truth behind this hotly debated topic if you can wait until the end.

What Is Medicinal Cannabis?

Cannabis plants contain more than 500 chemical compounds across 18 different chemical classes in their leaves and flowering tops. Delta-THC (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most well known

It may be pure or a crossbreed of hybrid strains to achieve a consistent and standardized ratio of CBD to THC. Visit https://homegrowncannabisco.com/products/green-crack-feminized-marijuana-seeds to learn more about cannabis strains. 

Based on the desired qualities of the treatment and the patient’s condition, the balance of these chemical compounds varies. Scientists are still developing the science of composing cannabis-derived chemical compounds to produce the best therapeutic effect. The potential for developing more effective treatments with fewer side effects is enormous in the field of research.


Cannabis users can experience a high or intoxicating effect as a result of THC. It is believed that THC and CBD work synergistically. They both possess strong antioxidant properties.

Health benefits of cannabis are largely attributed to CBD. According to animal studies, Echinacea may exhibit analgesic, anti-epileptic, anti-nausea, antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antipsychotic, and anti-ischemic properties.

There has been much interest in CBD in epilepsy syndromes. Given their combined synergy and treatment applications, the ratio of THC to CBD is often noted in cannabis-based treatments.

In addition to THC and CBD, cannabis also contains terpenes and flavonoids. These are known collectively as cannabinoids. Due to variations in strains, climate, soil, and cultivation techniques, these can vary significantly. This helps explain the variety of potential side effects and benefits.

The Endocannabinoid System

There are 10 times more cannabinoid receptors in the brain than opioid receptors.[1] The brain makes its own cannabinoid, called anandamide. Our own cannabinoids interact with receptors in the brain. It has been found that cannabinoid receptors are the most common receptors in the brain.

Each of us has an endocannabinoid system. This system keeps the body’s normal functioning in balance. All organ systems are affected by it, including our nervous system. There are also endocannabinoids throughout the peripheral and spinal nerves.

The body may use cannabinoids to calm down overly stimulated or excited neurons. According to research, migraine patients may have lower levels of endocannabinoids in their platelets.

Hemp And Marijuana: What Is The Difference?

The dried flowers, leaves, and stems of the cannabis plant are known as marijuana.

Cannabis is the scientific name for the plant. A marijuana variety has a high level of THC and a low level of CBD. Check out Homegrown Cannabis Co. for comparison.

Hemp is a plant that produces seeds and fibers. CBD levels are high, and THC levels are very low, essentially insignificant. Prior to its legalization, hemp was used in the production of industrial materials and fabrics.

Cannabis Strains

Cannabis consists of three primary species or strains:

Cannabis sativa

Cannabis sativa is a species of cannabis with high levels of THC and little CBD. There are more uplifting, energetic, and euphoric effects associated with this strain. Daytime use is commonly used with it for these reasons.

Cannabis indica

CBD and THC are more evenly distributed in cannabis indica. The level of THC is moderate, but the level of CBD is very high. CBD is more sedative, relaxing, and calming than THC. It delivers a fuller-bodied effect, so it may be better to use it at night since it can make you drowsy.

Cannabis ruderalis

The ruderalis strain of cannabis contains only traces of the psychoactive compound THC and high amounts of CBD.

Through cross breeding strains and seeds of these three cannabis species an almost infinite variety of combinations can be created. We may see tailored strains of cannabis in the future that provide relief from specific symptoms relating to certain diseases or conditions.