Shah Rukh Khan’s woes are far from over. The Bollywood actor who was prepping and shooting to be back on screen and entertain his countless fans has indefinitely his work commitments following the arrest of his son Aryan Khan in a drugs case. The star kid remains in judicial custody after being arrested on October 3 with seven others by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). He was arrested along with seven others in connection with a rave party and seizure of banned drugs onboard a Goa-bound cruise liner. It was reported that he has been booked under the sections 8C, 20B, 27 and 35 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act related to charges of possession, consumption and sale of illegal substances identified under the law.
SEE ALSO: Shah Rukh Khan’s Son Aryan Khan Arrested In Drug Case; Bollywood Actors Call It “Price Of Fame”
According to Hindustan Times, SRK’s son is currently in Arthur Road prison after a Mumbai court rejected his bail plea on Friday and was sent into judicial custody for 14-days. At the hearing, Aryan, through his lawyer Satish Maneshinde, said “I have parents and a family here. I have an Indian passport and I am not going to abscond. There is no question of tampering.” But the court rejected it on the grounds that it was not maintainable.
But while that was that, it was reported that Khan’s profitable association with ed-tech company Byju’s has come to a halt amid the high-profile, sensational case and arrest. Although it is not yet known if they have dropped him as a brand ambassador altogether, the company has pulled the featuring the actor despite advance bookings.
#Breaking : Aryan Khan’s bail application to be heard on Wednesday.#AryanKhan #Cruiseshipdrugcase pic.twitter.com/HP3uRt4TAn
— Live Law (@LiveLawIndia) October 11, 2021
A source close to the development told The Economic Times, “They (Byju’s) have paused all SRK-related promotions for now. It had to be pulled as the company which is in the area of education wouldn’t like to be seen in promotions with him given the controversy (over the drug case involving his son).” The insider added, “These ads were booked in advance—as is the process—so it took some time to stop all of them.”
So much for business ethics. But at least the industry is standing up for SRK in what seems to be a case build and designed to distract from bigger issues like “the 3000kg Talibani-drug haul at the Adani port, and to distract from the murder of farmers by the son of a BJP member/MLA.” Ali Fazal to Vishal Dadlani and from Raj Babbar to Shekhar Suman, B-town celebs are rallying for the superstar and have joined the likes of Jackie Shroff, Pooja Bhatt, Hansal Mehta.
By’e’ju … Another brick in the wall – playing out rather loudly in my headfones today. https://t.co/xHlYzQSbch
— Ali Fazal M / میر علی فضل / अली (@alifazal9) October 10, 2021
Read something about some brand pulling out SRK ads.
The Brand SRK is bigger than the brand that pulled out so too bad for that brand 😃😜
More power to @iamsrk 🤗— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) October 10, 2021
Being replaced by the serving minister who’s son is arrested for murder charges! Class, Byju’s 👏 https://t.co/YLoMQrzbOe
— Nakuul Mehta (@NakuulMehta) October 9, 2021
If Composers count, I am.
SRK and his family are being used as a smokescreen, a soft target to distract from the 3000kg Talibani-drug haul at the Adani port, and to distract from the murder of farmers by the son of a BJP member/MLA.
Straight-up. https://t.co/dtk4YJ7ZHW
— VISHAL DADLANI (@VishalDadlani) October 9, 2021
Shahrukh Khan has always been there in his own way for every one that has ever needed help and reached out to him.
THIS I CAN SAY FOR A FACT!— Sanjay Gupta (@_SanjayGupta) October 10, 2021
I am a father.
My son is 10yrs old.
God forbid he has to pay the the price for my beliefs.
So not fukn fair!— Sanjay Gupta (@_SanjayGupta) October 10, 2021
He came faced & achieved a conquest unparalleled. Hv known @iamsrk for long to know hardships won’t deter his soul. As the world teaches his young boy thru wounds, am sure the fighter’s son will definitely fight back. Blessings to the young man.
— Raj Babbar (@RajBabbarMP) October 10, 2021
When i lost my elder son Aayush at age 11 Shahrukh Khan was the only actor who came to me personally while i was shooting at film city,hugged me and conveyed his https://t.co/LLwSlEJiOt extremely pained to know what he must be going thru as a father @iamsrk
— Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) October 9, 2021
Dear brands @iamsrk s popularity, reach n charm is irreplaceable , the value he brings on the table as kingkhan is way above the tragedy currently he is facing … Dont underestimate the power of the love his fans and admirers have for him across the globe n beyond.
— anjana sukhani (@anjanasukhani) October 10, 2021
Khan Academy is anyways way better. https://t.co/DvdcqHAbfh
— Arati Kadav (@AratiKadav) October 10, 2021
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan will next be seen in Pathan where he will reunite with Deepika Padukone after Om Shanti Om star, Happy New Year and Chennai Express, alongside John Abraham as the protagonist. It is directed by Siddharth Anand of War fame and produced by Yash Raj Films. The film has not been officially announced yet and if the recent developments are any indication, it might be a while.
SEE ALSO: ‘Pathan’: Shah Rukh Khan Performing Stunts On A Moving Car In This Leaked BTS Footage Is Going Viral
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