3 Home Security Tips and Guidelines You Never Thought Of


You might be horrified to find out, but about 34% burglars come in through the front door! No matter how careful you are, you can never be too cautious when it comes to securing your homes – simply locking the doors and windows isn’t enough when anyone can pick their way into the home. 

This is why people are now equipping their homes with modern security systems – not only do they keep you informed about the people coming and going from your home, but they also serve as a deterrent for thieves and burglars. But the thing is, you don’t always know where to even start with the security, given everything that’s on the market right now. 

If you’re one of those people as well, keep reading for some awesome tips for your security system. 

Make Use of Your Security System’s Full Functionality 

Security systems are getting more and more advanced with each passing day, and it’s not always just a drive for innovation that’s pushing companies to make it so. As technology advances, criminals get smarter and smarter too. Before you know it, they’ve figured out a loophole in the latest security system technology and are ready to exploit it, or even to hack into your WiFi system and the security system as well! 

If you want to make sure that doesn’t happen, you need to make sure you’re using your security system to its full capabilities, and that you’re using all of its features. 

Most security systems, for instance, have the option to be voice-controlled. Of course, they can only use certain commands, but using this feature and pairing them with your Alexa device or any other home assistant can give you more control over how your security system works. You can also remotely control the system through an app, which will also give you timely alerts for when there’s an intruder and if something is amiss. 

If you want to know more about voice control for your devices, you can check out the Amazon Alexa and Total Connect 2.0 Integration Guide at Alarm Grid. You can also take a look at other online resources or talk to the security provider company to find out what your security system can really do.
Keep the software and all the other systems updated to avoid any hacking attempts as well. 

Make Sure Your Locks Are Up-to-date 

Like we said before – it’s very easy for some burglars to break or pick locks, which is why it might be a bad idea for you to leave your doors with just the locks they came with. You need to also secure any and all locks you have on your windows, and not get lazy when it comes to the windows on the upper levels. 

Sliding glass doors are especially tricky because their locks can be broken with ease. Last but not least, install extra locks and certain motion sensors that can help by notifying you every time someone enters the home. 

You can set your security system up to be active only in some parts of the day and night, so it doesn’t unnecessarily go off when you’re coming home or expect people. 

Be Vigilant 

Most burglars are looking for an easy house to steal unless they have reason to believe you’re worth the trouble – and you shouldn’t give them any – they’ll leave your home alone if they feel like it’s too complicated or too risky for them to break into it. 

Make sure to keep all your windows and doors locked, make all the cameras at your place pretty obvious so people know they’re being filmed, and make it harder for people to break in by using good-quality locks. 

Never post online that you’re going away or that your home is going to be empty until you’ve come back, or give people the opportunity to believe the house is empty and it’s safe to break into it.