Supermassive Black Hole In The Center Of The Milky Way Galaxy Has A Leak: NASA



The supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy which was believed to be dormant is reported to become active by NASA. According to their latest report, NASA’s telescope Hubble has found evidence that the black hole has been emitting huge amounts of particles. While the phenomenon hasn’t been captured yet, photographs of the waste materials indicating a leak in the black hole have been received by NASA scientists.

After gathering and examining data collected from Hubble, NASA issued a statement stating that the ‘blowtorch-like jet’ emitted from the black hole, once in every thousand years, is a result of its leak. Another theory published in the Astrophysical Journal suggests that the black hole ‘burps out’ mini-jets each time it swallows heavy, like a gas cloud. Lead author Gerald Cecil said, “The central black hole is dynamically variable and is currently powered down.”

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Known for drawing materials like dust, gas and other space particles due to its gravitational pull created by its accretion disk, the black hole known as Sagittarius A* is said to have ‘hiccups’ periodically. “This is evidence that the black hole, with a mass of 4.1 million Suns, is not a sleeping monster but periodically hiccups as stars and gas clouds fall into it,” NASA stated.

Sharing his views on the mini-jet stream like-particles emitted by the black hole, co-author Alex Wagner of Tsukuba University (Japan) said, “The streams percolate out of the Milky Way’s dense gas disk. The jet diverges from a pencil beam into tendrils like that of an octopus. This outflow creates a series of expanding bubbles that extend to at least 500 light-years.” Furthermore, he even added, “Our central black hole has clearly surged in luminosity at least 1 millionfold in the last million years. That sufficed for a jet to punch into the galactic halo.”

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