Instead of a ‘Biden boom,’ we’re going to have a ‘Manchin slowdown’



Manchin’s economic arguments against the bill have always been specious. His absolute insistence that it would drive inflation has been debunked repeatedly by leading economists. But like an anti-vaxxer or climate change denier, Manchin has apparently done his own research and refuses to listen to or believe people with more expertise and knowledge. He’ll likely reject the idea that he is responsible for an economic slowdown, but given that Wall Street types are the most likely people he’d listen to, maybe the message will resonate with him.

But since this whole tantrum seems to have been kicked off by an innocuous press release the White House put out last week in which they talked about Biden’s ongoing discussions with Manchin, it’s possible that this is an emotional, irrational fit of pique by the guy which can’t be ameliorated.

It seems that this statement from Biden, in which he said, “My team and I are having ongoing discussions with Senator Manchin; that work will continue next week” was viewed by Manchin as an unforgivable breach of etiquette. At least that’s what Manchin whisperer Steve Clemons writes, calling it “White House incivility.” Manchin was mentioned by name and supposedly felt that he was being singled out and had a hissy fit.

As if the entire world did not know that Manchin was the single hold-up to Democrats being able to pass this bill. As if the whole world didn’t know that Biden and Manchin were talking regularly. As if he hadn’t already cemented his reputation as a dim and stubborn diva, an intellectually lazy and incurious empty suit. 

Also an irrationally angry one, who has a real problem with being asked mundane policy questions about stuff he apparently hasn’t bothered to explore and consider.


Manchin blew up at Delaney, swearing at him and dismissing the rest of the reporters around him, simply for asking for his position on child tax credits. The man is totally out of his depth, and instead of stepping back and learning, he’s blowing everything to smithereens. 

Including the economy.


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