5 ways a more equitable school-home communication system helped our district



The pandemic has forced districts to rethink how they communicate with parents, and things aren’t going to go back to the “way they were” anytime soon (if at all). Forced to operate remotely, and without much warning, our district knew it had to move away from snail mail as a primary mode of school-home communication and over to a more modern, fast, and efficient solution.

Fortunately, we already had a safe and secure platform for school-home communication in place before the pandemic; it was just a matter of ramping up our usage of the technology, getting parents and teachers trained on how to consistently use it, and then putting it into action.

With Aeries as our student information system (SIS) and ParentSquare tightly integrated into it, that’s exactly what we did.

During a recent Parent University session, for example, we helped parents load the ParentSquare-powered Aeries Communications module on their computers and mobile devices. One of our IT professionals reviewed and verified the number of users on the system while the district began sending out more alerts, posts, and attachments. We also reached out to families who we could tell weren’t receiving the messages and corrected all of their email addresses and took other steps to make sure everyone was using the communications platform.

Since making those moves, we’ve enjoyed five additional benefits, including:

1. Meeting stakeholders where they are. We empower our families by encouraging them to choose when and how they want to receive routine school communications. Parents and guardians can personalize their notification settings to receive all messages in one batch early each evening.

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