An important part of being an entrepreneur is increasing your intellectual knowledge; This, why before starting any project you must learn and understand the vision of those who at some point in their lives began in the same conditions as you.
These visions and experiences will help you to learn more about the environment in which you intend to enter, in addition to that, they will help you to clear some clouds about which is the true project that will adapt to your needs and especially your economic and social realities.
Much of that journey or experience is precisely written in various books which will allow you to increase your knowledge on the subject, and above all they will encourage you to continue on your way; the path of your new project and your future.
For this reason, I would like to recommend you some of the books which are essential for every entrepreneur.
1. The 48 laws of power
This book should be part of your personal library. In it are some of the rules that you must follow and observe within any place call it work, company, politics, family, etc. It has a very nice wording and which will help you understand some of the most common mistakes which can cost us work, clients and even friendship or love.
Its wording is largely political but without a doubt some of its advice is applicable to every aspect of your daily life, since one of the great qualities of any entrepreneur is precisely that of being a great negotiator.
Robert Greene author of the book is a great connoisseur of political issues; and within this book he has been given the task of compiling some political experiences which have been of great historical significance. For this reason, within this book you will find political passages from Alexander the Great, advice from Nicholas Machiavelli and even decisions made by John F. Kennedy. For this reason, this book, in addition to being a policy treatise, is also a guide for entrepreneurs, explaining what to do and what not to do on the road to success.
2. Rich dad poor dad
Perhaps one of the books that most excites and helps to change the mentality to become an entrepreneur.
Within this great book are the experiences of the author Robert Kiyosaki , who started his project from scratch and perhaps in conditions far inferior to yours. This book addresses issues from professional education, that is, how children are educated to be employees; family customs about professions, especially when the family influences the choice of a university degree or profession, which sometimes generates a feeling of failure; the current and future situation of entrepreneurs and especially him because you must become one of them.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book, is a columnist, businessman and motivational speaker in various forums, a large part of his books are based firstly on creating an entrepreneurial attitude about the reader, secondly he seeks for the reader to identify the niches of opportunity to create a business which in Kiyosaki’s opinion should work under the network scheme, since this previous scheme allows any project to grow unlimitedly.
3. Hero
Without a doubt one of the best motivation books for entrepreneurs. Within it, five profiles are addressed which radically changed their lives when they analyzed their situation and conditions. It is an exciting book in each of its chapters which are a mix between the author’s stories and the testimonies of the protagonists.
Each of its chapters allows us to reflect on our current situation and how to face the problems that afflict us and that many times are only found as barriers within our minds.
Its author Rhonda Byrne is a speaker, writer and producer. She rose to fame for her book The Secret which, like a hero, focuses on awakening in the individual a conscience which allows him to generate what she calls the law of attraction. This law is characterized by the change of attitude of the individual about life, work and his social circle, taking as a premise “if you have it in your mind, you have it in your hand.”
4. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn
Motivation is a fundamental part of the entrepreneur, and perhaps it is one of the most necessary elements when starting any project; For this reason, it is necessary that at the beginning or during the project you find yourself in continuous motivation to be able to bring your company or business to fruition. Now, it may be the case in which you are going through a complicated situation derived from a bad project or a failure.
For this situation it is recommended precisely to read the words of John C. Maxwell which motivate you to leave that bitter experience in the past, which you should only value as learning without getting involved in a continuous reminder that prevents you from going beyond that topic. In addition to helping to weather the storm, this book provides some important life lessons, which are true knowledge especially when plans do not go according to plan.
John C. Maxwell author of the book is a writer and speaker specialized in leadership issues, his books are considered Best Sellers by the New York Times , therefore it is advisable to keep track of his various publications, which are of great value above all when we talk about leadership issues. A characteristic of their publications is the ease with which their ideas are understood and how enjoyable it is to read their chapters, which are usually short and practical.
5. Little capitalist pig
One of the most important aspects of any entrepreneur is knowing how to manage your finances. Have a full knowledge of your income and expenses as well as the present and future expenses that will have to be made; For this reason, this book teaches in a practical way the management of your financial resources and how to achieve great savings with small sacrifices. It is advisable to first read the version “ Little capitalist pig. Personal Finance for Hippies, Yuppies and Bohemians ” which focuses on personal savings and how to achieve it.
In its second version called “ Little capitalist pig. Investments “ Which contains a more specialized language, focuses precisely on how to invest that savings, that is, on how to make it grow to generate higher dividends.
Sofía Macías , author of the book, is a consultant in financial education and personal finance; Within these titles of “Little capitalist pig” is a comprehensive guide to small savings which will discipline you in your personal economy.
This book is a great recommendation for the young and not so young that every fortnight or month they survive with few pesos due to their poor financial management.
These are just some of the books that I recommend reading when trying to enter the world of entrepreneurship, in them you will find valuable lessons, advice and stories from various people who are now prosperous entrepreneurs and that they can serve to cement the foundations of your project economic.
It is also recommended that you pay attention to the phrases and dialogues that are expressed in the previous books, which can make you see the capacity that exists within you which only needs a trigger to demonstrate your talent.
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